Draft Publication
DR 1
Revision of R 56: Standard solutions reproducing the electrolytic
conductivity |
This DR will not be submitted for sanction
DR 2
Revision of R 71: Fixed storage tanks - General requirements
Direct Sanction
DR 3
Revision of R 85: Automatic level gauges for measuring the level of liquid
in storage tanks - Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements - Part
2: Metrological control and tests
Direct Sanction
DR 4
Revision of R 85: Automatic level gauges for measuring the
level of liquid in storage tanks - Part 3: Report format for type evaluation
CIML Approval
DR 5
New Recommendation: Procedure for calibration and verification
of the main characteristics of thermographic instruments |
Direct Sanction
DR 6
New Recommendation: Automated refractometers - Methods and
means of verification |
Direct Sanction
DR 7
Revision of ISO 3930/OIML R 99: Instruments for measuring
vehicle exhaust emissions - Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements
- Part 2: Metrological controls and performance tests |
Direct Sanction
DR 8
Revision of OIML R 99: Instruments for measuring vehicle exhaust
emissions - Part 3: Report format |
CIML Approval
DD 1
New Document: Guide for the application of ISO IEC Guide 65
to assessment of measuring instrument certification bodies in legal metrology
CIML Approval

(Updated on 2008.09.10)
DD 2
New Document: Guide for the application of ISO IEC 17025 to
assessment of testing laboratories involved in legal metrology testing |
CIML Approval

(Updated on 2008.09.10)
DD 3
New Document: General requirements for software controlled
measuring instruments |
CIML Approval